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OpenStreetMap US
Community Project Application
Thank you for applying for your project to become a Community Project of OpenStreetMap US! The Community Project program is intended for small-scale, low-budget, volunteer-run projects looking to receive basic financial support from OSM US and increased visibility in the OSM community.
First Name
Last Name
Your Email:
I am a leader of this project.
Project Name:
Other contact email(s) for this project:
List any additional project leaders:
Project website, relevant links, and/or repository:
About Your Project
Project purpose and mission:
How does your project currently benefit the OpenStreetMap US community?
What are your major goals for this project?
Why do you want this project to become an OpenStreetMap US Community Project?
How many active contributors does your project currently have?
Project Logistics
What license(s) does your project currently use?
What is your current project budget?
Please list any current partners, allies, and/or supporters of your project (financial or otherwise):
Where do you host conversations about project development and governance, and how many participants do you have? Please include mailing lists, forums, slack channels, etc.
Do you have any additional comments or questions?
I have read and understand the OpenStreetMap US Community Project Guidelines (https://openstreetmap.us/community-project-guidelines).
I am interested in receiving the OSM US monthly newsletter.